The Hip Hinge

The Hip Hinge

The hip hinge is a fundamental movement of the body. Doing it well is key for everything from squats and deadlifts to child’s pose and bird-dog. The Hip Hinge When you bend over there are two ways to do it. You can move through the hips or through the spine....
Three Less Talked About Benefits Of Walking

Three Less Talked About Benefits Of Walking

Walking as a form of exercise is a debated topic. However, as with many debates in fitness, the focus is in the wrong places. Here are three great benefits that you will get from adding more walking into your lifestyle. Three Less Talked About Benefits Of Walking 1....
How Movement Quality Beats Movement Quantity

How Movement Quality Beats Movement Quantity

Movement quality is the most overlooked piece of general fitness. We know that as a nation we need to be healthier and that moving more is part of that equation. But we also need to do it well because how you move matters! Here’s why you should start focusing on...
What A CSA Can Do For You

What A CSA Can Do For You

Do you find it difficult to know what foods to eat, to find time to get them, or both? Community Supported Agriculture, CSA for short, is a food system that provides easy access to fresh, whole foods. As a bonus, CSAs also have the potential to reinvigorate the...