How To Avoid Squat Injuries

How To Avoid Squat Injuries

Squats are a common part of exercise routines these days, but alongside deadlifts they are also the most feared. Many worry that it may be bad for their knees or their back. The truth is squats are good for you, but they are difficult to do well, and that’s the...
Why You Can Stop Focusing On Saturated Fat

Why You Can Stop Focusing On Saturated Fat

Is saturated fat bad for you? The answer is unclear. The good news is, just like protein requirements, this is another debate you can leave to the academics while you focus on some things we can all agree on. Saturated Fat Has Not Been Proven To Be Bad Two large meta...
How Much Protein Should I Eat?

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

Protein gets a lot of attention and you might wonder how much you need. Here are some widely used guidelines, some thoughts on the overall debate, and why you can probably focus your attention elsewhere. How Much Protein Do You Need? The common recommendation for...
Why Local Food Makes Economic Sense

Why Local Food Makes Economic Sense

Local food is right up there with organic as a favored philosophy for health advocates and environmentalists, but it is not without critics. Some say that the economics of going local are not practical. Is it true? Is Local Food Too Expensive? Critics of local...