Three Less Talked About Benefits Of Walking

by Dec 3, 2016App, Fitness0 comments

Walking Good ExerciseWalking as a form of exercise is a debated topic. However, as with many debates in fitness, the focus is in the wrong places. Here are three great benefits that you will get from adding more walking into your lifestyle.

Three Less Talked About Benefits Of Walking

1. You Are Upright

Good posture is important. Without it, the body can’t move properly which can lead to problems like back, knee, and shoulder pain. Getting yourself out of the seated position and into an upright one as much as possible makes a big difference.

2. You Can Lower Emissions

If you can get somewhere without using the car, you can lower emissions while benefiting your health. Even if you can’t walk the whole way to a destination, if public transportation is an option then you can walk to and from the station. If you do it every day, it adds up on both the health and the environmental fronts.

3. It’s A Slippery Slope – A Good One

One of the hardest parts of any exercise routine or nutrition plan is getting started. Little things can make big changes in your motivation levels. Maybe you will find a short walk wakes you up in the morning, or perhaps it will lead you to discover a store you never noticed while driving. Maybe an annoying little pain will disappear.

If any of that happens, chances are you will ask yourself, “what other surprises are out there waiting for me?” These are the seeds of change.


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