The Game Changers Is A Tour Of How Not To Do Science
“Steaks for breakfast, steaks for lunch, steaks for brunch—grass fed, massaged beef, all day long.” Conor McGregor was reveling in his meat eating persona. As the Game Changers tells us, he was hyping up a stereotype about manly men eating meat because he was about to...
How Exercising For Stress Management Might Seriously Stress You Out
Physical activity can help reduce stress and boost feelings of well-being. However, that general wisdom isn’t necessarily a straightforward equation. There are times when exercise’s therapeutic benefits can turn into a potential witch’s brew of problems. Exercise And...
Another Nutrition Flip-Flop. This Time With Red And Processed Meats
When it comes to nutrition, we’re used to moving targets. Eggs are good, then bad, then good again. First fat was the enemy, now it’s sugar. This week’s superfood is kale, next week’s will be blueberries. Yet with all of the uncertainty, red and processed meats was...
Two Keys To A Great Overhead Squat
The overhead squat is a challenging movement. It is both complex and physically demanding. For that reason, learning how to get there is no simple matter. If you do though, you’ll have the benefits of excellent mobility combined with quality strength and stability. By...
Let Fitness Help You Build Perspective
A post went viral this past week on LinkedIn. It had enough gravitas that it caught the attention of the Washington Post, which is where I encountered it. The post is called “It’s Later Than You Think,” and it is about the death of an eight-year-old whose father, a...
For Short Workouts, Value Efficiency Over Intensity
Are you the kind of person who feels that if they can’t do a full workout, they might as well not do any workout at all? Or, conversely, are you someone who would be willing to do a short workout on the regular if they just knew what exercises would be worth the...