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How Economic Growth Can Derail Your Fitness
How Economic Growth Can Derail Your Fitness

Fitness, the environment, and the economy are linked, and one of the ways is through the concept of growth. Growth conditions us to assume that life is usually improved by adding to it, and we follow that common wisdom automatically. Fitness illustrates why,...

Why You Should Train Your Back Muscles More
Why You Should Train Your Back Muscles More

One of the most important areas of the body to strengthen is the back. A strong back will give you good posture, and good posture will fix a lot of nagging pains like stiff necks, bad shoulders, or achy low backs.  Strengthening The Back Helps Correct Posture Gravity...

Proper Posture And Why It Matters
Proper Posture And Why It Matters

You know it is important to have good posture, but what exactly is that? This video will give you the basic landmarks and a couple common deviations in 34 seconds. Then, you'll find out how it helps your shoulders, hips, and knees. ...

Where Fitness Meets Public Policy
Where Fitness Meets Public Policy

As America moves forward on its quest for better health, public policy will be a necessary part of the picture. When we consider the issue of obesity—one marker of health—which cuts across almost all geographic locations, age groups, and income brackets, the fitness...