More Exercise Does Not Mean More Calorie Burn
In 2015 a six-year study of the contestants on the Biggest Loser concluded with a shocking result. Thirteen of fourteen contestants had gained all or more of the weight back. How did it happen? Their bodies had slowed their metabolisms—in one case by a whopping 800...
Another Look At Ab Work And Core Strength
Abs are always worth taking another look at. Everybody wants ripped ones. At the same time, everyone has also heard about the importance of a strong core. Is that the same thing? Plus, how do we get there? Let’s start with the easy part of this discussion. If you want...
Here’s How You Make Sense Of Confusing, Contradictory Fitness Articles
Do you find health and wellness articles to be utterly confusing? You read one thing today, then seemingly the opposite tomorrow? If you do, you are not alone. Health and wellness reporting creates a lot of confusion, largely because it is almost always a snapshot....
It’s Hard To Know If Exercise Will Help You Lose Weight. It Also Doesn’t Matter
If you change nothing about your diet but add exercise to your routine, will you lose weight? If you’re up to date on your fitness reading you might lean towards no, since there has been much reporting about the fact that exercise is a poor tool for weight loss. If...
You Don’t Have To Eat Healthy During The Holidays
The holidays area a difficult time for healthy eating. As we make our way through them there will be plenty of articles with tips and tricks on navigating the minefield of rich foods and drinks. This is not one of them. It’s Not As Much As You Think Above all, know...
I Want Mister Rogers For My Personal Trainer
There’s a buzz in the neighborhood and it’s about Mister Rogers. Between last year’s documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor, this year’s movie A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, and the hours of interviews available on YouTube there is plenty of this man to soak in....