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Keep Plastic Out Of Your Seafood
Keep Plastic Out Of Your Seafood

Seafood is a high quality protein source with a variety of healthy fats,  making it an excellent addition to your diet. However, there is a growing concern that plastic pollution in the world's oceans may be making its way up the foodchain and ultimately into our...

3 Causes Of Tight Muscles Stretching Won’t Fix
3 Causes Of Tight Muscles Stretching Won’t Fix

Tight muscles can hold you back in fitness. If you aren't loose, you can't move well and that wreaks havoc on the quality of your workouts. But stretching isn't always the answer. Here are some other factors that may be leading to stiffness and how you can overcome...

Why Deadlifts Are Not Bad For Your Back
Why Deadlifts Are Not Bad For Your Back

Do you avoid deadlifts because you fear they are bad for the back? As with many exercises, the truth is they are great for you as long as they are done correctly. Deadlifts Are Not Bad If You Can Hip Hinge To perform a deadlift you will need to have command of a...