What Kierkegaard Can Tell Us About Social Media
“For a crowd is the untruth.” - Søren Kierkegaard I’ve been spending more time engaging with philosophy and it reminds me that pretty much every question you...
Visualization for Mental Health and Physical Training
This year I have been working extensively with visualization. I have learned that it is a powerful tool for both physical training and for mental health. In my work as a strength and conditioning coach my colleagues and I have been using it to help our athletes, from...
Mortality And SMART Goals
I’ve been thinking much about existential counseling theory and personal training. What, you might ask, could those two things have to do with each other? Existential Psychotherapy Existential counseling theory concerns itself with four major themes: How we feel about...
Arthritis Does Not Always Hurt. Is That Weird?
I have a client with advanced knee arthritis who has seen dramatic improvement in her symptoms after including body weight squats in her routine. She is even considering delaying the knee replacement that she has been planning. What she finds baffling about all of...
How Squats Can Help Dancers With Turnout
Turnout is an important part of dance. It comes from a combination of rotation at the hip, knee, ankle, and foot. Dancers are often adept at recruiting turnout from below the knee, but not so great at maximizing what is available at the hip, and turnout from the hip...
Will Weight Training Make Me Muscle Bound?
A common concern when weightlifting is whether or not you will grow bigger muscles. Some want this effect, and others do not. Does lifting weights definitely result in larger muscles? Muscles Get Bigger In Different Ways An important place to start is with the fact...