Avoid Willpower Depletion By Making Fitness The Default

by Nov 28, 2016Fitness0 comments

Willpower Depletion And FitnessDo you struggle to stick to your dietary goals or your exercise routine? Research in human psychology suggests that willpower is a finite resource and that your struggle is natural. To give yourself an edge over it, start thinking about ways to make good habits the default in your daily routine.

Willpower A Limited Resource

A theory called willpower depletion states that whenever you make a decision, you deplete your willpower reserve and have less when faced with the next decision. This is why it is more difficult to resist tempting food at the end of the day than at the beginning.1 While only one of a couple of theories, the approach lends support to a simple course of action: find ways to make healthy and sustainable decisions automatic.

Not In The House

Junk food is bad for you and the environment. One of the best ways to avoid it is not to have it in the house. If it is there it will be eaten, sooner or later.

If you find it challenging to make it out of the grocery store without buying junk food, try switching to shopping at the farmer’s market or a CSA. They have far fewer temptations and as a bonus, they do quite a bit of good for the environment and for communities.

Make Physical Activity Inevitable

It takes willpower to get to the gym. To help, look for ways to make physical activity unavoidable throughout your day. Biking or walking to work is great if it’s an option or, if not, a friend’s house, the barbar, or some other frequently visited places could work instead. The extra exercise is great for your body and leaving the car takes the emissions out of the equation.

At work, a standing desk can help keep postural muscles balanced and strong. If you have space, a headset telephone can allow you to stand and even walk around during calls.


Using willpower to get yourself to the gym or to resist temptations is hard. Look for ways to make better habits automatic to your routine. Try shopping at the farmers market, joining a CSA, biking to work, taking the stairs, or anything else you can think of to make good choices routine.


What A CSA Can Do For You


  1. American Psychological Association – What You Need To Know About Willpower