Basic Movement Principles For Exercise

Basic Movement Principles For Exercise

To maximize your exercise while minimizing the risk of pain and injury, it is important to understand a few basic movement principles of the body. What follows is not nearly exhaustive, but it will give you a sense of some foundational ideas. Three Components Of Human...
Basic Knee Alignment For Lower Body Exercises

Basic Knee Alignment For Lower Body Exercises

Do you check your knee alignment when performing lower body exercises like squats, deadlifts, or reverse lunges? If not, you are missing out on key benefits like increased strength and reduced risk of pain and injury. Basic Knee Alignment During Exercise The rule of...
Why Free Weights Beat Exercise Machines

Why Free Weights Beat Exercise Machines

Exercise machines are in every gym because they offer a user friendly way to work out. But the ease of use comes with a trade-off. They don’t teach you how to move in the real world, which deprives you of some very important benefits that free weights deliver....
The Key To Overhead Work

The Key To Overhead Work

Overhead work such as overhead press, overhead squat, clean and jerk, snatch, and even pulldowns and chin ups requires one thing above all – shoulder mobility. The reason is, to get the most out of overhead training, you have to be able to get your arms straight...