Physical Therapist, Strength Coach, Personal Trainer—What’s The Difference?
It’s becoming more and more common to find physical therapists, strength coaches, and/or personal trainers working together. I was recently at one space, called Body Evolved, where they were even all under the same roof. This model is catching on because movement...
Red And Processed Meat Might Cause Cancer. Should I Stop Eating It?
I was recently asked a question about a 2015 UN news story which reported that the World Health Organization had declared that processed meats were linked to colorectal cancer and that red meat was probably carcinogenic in humans. Does that mean that these meats will...
Does Stretching Work? Your Guide To Better Flexibility
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about stretching out there. Here is a review of what the research currently says and how you can use that to make yourself a routine. As a quick note, for the purposes of this article we are discussing static stretching,...
To Get Fit This Year Forget About Weight Loss
The new year always brings a lot of weight loss resolutions with it. Weight is a driving factor in body satisfaction and many of us feel that if we can just lose a few pounds, we will be much happier with ourselves. Interestingly though, research points in a different...
From Running Shoes To Lifting Shoes – What You Need To Know
Determining what shoes to wear for exercise can be tricky. The best way to approach it is the same way you think about training—ask yourself what the goal is. With that in mind, here are three common shoe types, what they do, and why you may or may not want to use...
What You Need To Know About Your Feet
Do you ever wonder how to take care of your feet? Are running shoes with lots of cushion best, or minimal shoes? What’s the deal with barefoot running? How about insoles? These are common questions, and good ones, but to understand the answer you need to first know a...