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The Beauty Of Simple Training
The Beauty Of Simple Training

I’ve been, like all of us, stuck at home in quarantine during Covid-19. As far as strength training goes, that means that I have three kettlebells at my disposal and nothing more. At first I was worried about it, but I’ve relearned the value of simplicity and frankly,...

Does Foam Rolling Work?
Does Foam Rolling Work?

Foam rollers are a staple of the workout world. You will find them in every gym and in no small numbers of homes. But is foam rolling as useful as its ubiquitousness would suggest? Believe It Or Not, Foam Rolling Is Far From Proven Given how common foam rolling has...

The Weird World Of Pain
The Weird World Of Pain

We’ve learned a lot about pain in the last few decades and the more we discover, the more surprises we uncover. Beyond the physiology, pain has a lot to say about human psychology and even culture. So much for simple boo-boos. The Telegraph Model Of Pain If you are...

What If Kale Were No Longer The Healthy Choice?
What If Kale Were No Longer The Healthy Choice?

You’re in a Brooklyn restaurant. You smirk, crack wise about being a hipster, then order the kale salad. Why? Because as cliché as it may be, you also know that kale is good for you. More than that, you secretly like it. It actually tastes like something, as opposed...