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Why Deadlifts Are Not Bad For Your Back
Why Deadlifts Are Not Bad For Your Back

Do you avoid deadlifts because you fear they are bad for the back? As with many exercises, the truth is they are great for you as long as they are done correctly. Deadlifts Are Not Bad If You Can Hip Hinge To perform a deadlift you will need to have command of a...

Should You Do Box Jumps?
Should You Do Box Jumps?

Box jumps make for a flashy, and challenging exercise, but are they really benefiting you? The answer is probably no, because you have more to gain by focusing your efforts on elsewhere. Box Jumps Are For Power Box jumps are used to develop power, which is defined as...

How To Avoid Squat Injuries
How To Avoid Squat Injuries

Squats are a common part of exercise routines these days, but alongside deadlifts they are also the most feared. Many worry that it may be bad for their knees or their back. The truth is squats are good for you, but they are difficult to do well, and that's the key....

Why You Can Stop Focusing On Saturated Fat
Why You Can Stop Focusing On Saturated Fat

Is saturated fat bad for you? The answer is unclear. The good news is, just like protein requirements, this is another debate you can leave to the academics while you focus on some things we can all agree on. Saturated Fat Has Not Been Proven To Be Bad Two large meta...