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To Strengthen Your Bones Lift Weights
To Strengthen Your Bones Lift Weights

Strength training can save your life and it does it by strengthening your bones. If you are sixty-five or older the chance of suffering a hip fracture and dying as a result can be as high as sixty percent.The 1-Year Mortality Of Patients Treated In A Hip...

How To Avoid Confusion About Dietary Fat
How To Avoid Confusion About Dietary Fat

Fat went through a period of demonization, and more recently has made a comeback. This major flip has lead to a lot of confusion. How should you view fat and what should its place be in your diet? Bad Fat, Good Fat In the 1950s two studies came out linking dietary fat...

Personal Health Is Environmental Activism
Personal Health Is Environmental Activism

Americans have been eating less meat over the last decade. The reasons, according to one survey, are price and health. The environment did not rank. But the fact is, it is only a small mental hop to understanding that because health and the environment are linked,...

Basics Of The Overhead Position
Basics Of The Overhead Position

Getting your arms into an overhead position seems easy, but there are a couple of key points that you need to know. Better overhead positioning will greatly improve movements like the overhead press, overhead squat, chin ups, and pulldowns. Key Points For The Overhead...

Don’t Forget Recovery – Deloading
Don’t Forget Recovery – Deloading

DeloadingĀ is a phase in your exercise routine in which you scale back the intensity or even cease exercising altogether. The deload phase can be useful in preventing plateaus, injuries, and burnout. Remember Recovery In your normal exercise routine, recovery happens...