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Squats Are Not About The Quads
Squats Are Not About The Quads

Ok, squats are about the qauds, but they are equally about the hamstrings, glutes, and upper back muscles. If your squats feel like they are a quad killer, then you are missing out. Squats Train The Whole Leg, The Hips, And The Back When you squat, your knees bend and...

Why We All Think We’re Tight
Why We All Think We’re Tight

From the most sedentary desk jockey to the most nimble ballerina, people of all stripes will say they feel tight. Attend any yoga class and you’ll get to listen to the human pretzel next to you say how tight they are. Why do we all, no matter what our background, seem...

3 Reasons That Nagging Injury Keeps Coming Back
3 Reasons That Nagging Injury Keeps Coming Back

If you are active, aches and pains happen. But if you keep experiencing the same ones over and over again, then something is off. Here are three common reasons you can’t seem to shake an injury. 1. Faulty Movement Patterns We spend a lot of time in chairs. We sit at...

Accessory Exercises – What’s In A Name?
Accessory Exercises – What’s In A Name?

It’s common to think of exercises like bicep curls and rows, or leg curls and leg presses as the main components of a workout program. However, for the non-body builder it can be more beneficial to view them only as extras. In this context they are called accessory...