Looking To Control Your Weight? Try Getting Away From Western Breakfast.
I just returned from vacation in Japan. While I was there, something about breakfast caught my attention: breakfast does not look appreciably different than lunch or dinner. That’s a little diet trick that could be useful for weight control. No Big Difference Between...
Forward Lunges Are About Power
One of the main ways that forward lunges differ from other lunge variations is the fact that the forward lunge requires a great deal of power. Walking and reverse lunges, in contrast, are usually more about strength. The Main Difference Between The Forward Lunge,...
Why Health And Wellness Articles Often Fall Short
All major news outlets have a health and wellness section. That’s because Americans, who in general have a weakness for the self-help genre, love to read about all things fitness. But keeping those pages filled, day after day, presents something of a problem, which...
Barbara Ehrenreich Questions Conventional Wisdom On Aging, Health, And Wellness
“I gradually came to realize that I was old enough to die...” This is the contrarian theme that Barbara Ehrenreich’s book Natural Causes revolves around. This personal insight is the foundation for the ultimate point of the book which is this: as far as health goes,...
The Purpose Of Isometric Contractions
Have you ever witnessed an arm wrestling match between two opponents of similar strength? If you have then you have seen them, eyes bulging and veins popping, locked in place at the top. In such a case both wrestlers are exerting force but noone’s arm is moving. That...
The Other Muscle Contraction: Eccentric
When we think about muscle contractions we usually picture the flexing portion. You know this one, it’s what happens when someone says “flex” so you hold up your arm, contract your bicep, and bend your elbow until you’ve got a nice bulging lump to show off. This is...