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Forward Lunges Are About Power
Forward Lunges Are About Power

One of the main ways that forward lunges differ from other lunge variations is the fact that the forward lunge requires a great deal of power. Walking and reverse lunges, in contrast, are usually more about strength.  The Main Difference Between The Forward Lunge,...

The Purpose Of Isometric Contractions
The Purpose Of Isometric Contractions

Have you ever witnessed an arm wrestling match between two opponents of similar strength? If you have then you have seen them, eyes bulging and veins popping, locked in place at the top. In such a case both wrestlers are exerting force but noone’s arm is moving. That...

The Other Muscle Contraction: Eccentric
The Other Muscle Contraction: Eccentric

When we think about muscle contractions we usually picture the flexing portion. You know this one, it’s what happens when someone says “flex” so you hold up your arm, contract your bicep, and bend your elbow until you’ve got a nice bulging lump to show off. This is...