For More Strength Get The Right Muscles Going
For movement to happen correctly, the right muscles have to be able to do the right job. In today’s sedentary world, that can be disrupted. Here are three common ways that the wrong muscles do the wrong work and how to fix it. Biceps Vs. Back Muscles The muscles of...
Use The Gym To Add Variety To Your Movement
The human body is multi-planer, meaning that unlike say, a robot’s body, humans can move smoothly and seamlessly in a wide variety of directions and combinations. At the same time, much of our daily movement is repetitive and within a narrow range. The result is poor...
Forget Workout Variety And Focus Instead
There is an ever expanding variety of fitness options out there. Besides all of the different gym and group fitness models, the internet has made home workouts more accessible than ever. With all these tools at our fingertips, it can be tempting to constantly change...
The Power Of Small Changes
In today’s health and wellness environment it can feel normal and natural to go to extreme lengths for fitness. But the fact is, most people can see significant improvements simply by making small changes and sticking to them. A Couple Hundred Calories Makes A...
What Is The Definition Of Fitness?
Every day there are articles in the news on some aspect of fitness, but are they all telling us something important that we need to focus on? How do we decide what we really need to do vs. what is just nice to know? One place to start is to get a clear idea of what...
For Better Form Notice Your Feet
When exercising, it can be hard to monitor your own form. There is a trick though that can help you with this problem: pay attention to your feet. It’s About Center Of Gravity In order to perform full body movements like squats, lunges, and deadlifts with good form...