by Andrew Schaeffer | May 19, 2019 | Fitness, Strength
There is a lot of interest in being strong out there. More people are engaging in weight training, be it in the barbell vein like Crossfit, or free weight exercises in the gym, or group fitness. The growing popularity is a good thing because strength is a hugely...
by Andrew Schaeffer | May 8, 2019 | Fitness, Strength
A lot of weight training that happens in the gym involves machines and plenty of isolation exercises such as chest press, shoulder raises, bicep curls, pull downs, tricep extensions, etc. Many a lifter though is surprised to find that after months or years of this...
by Andrew Schaeffer | Apr 25, 2019 | Fitness
Fitness and exercise is usually focused on physiological change. We’re looking for bigger muscles, less body fat, more effecient cardiovascular systems, stronger bones. But there is a whole other dimension to what happens when you work out: learning. Understanding the...
by Andrew Schaeffer | Apr 16, 2019 | Nutrition, Social Good
An excellent article in 1843 Magazine, entitled Death Of The Calorie, puts a lot of nails in the metaphorical coffin of the calorie counting diet strategy. They discuss the problems with accurately assessing the caloric content of individual food items. They go into...
by Andrew Schaeffer | Apr 5, 2019 | Nutrition
There was a time when eating bacteria would have sounded unappealing, but that was before the rise of the microbiome and probiotics in the health and wellness scene. Now everyone is wondering what microbes they should be ingesting. But are probiotics really worth the...