To Change Behavior Consider The Big Picture

To Change Behavior Consider The Big Picture

Fitness puts a great deal of emphasis on the individual and their choices. However, the environment that people live in has an effect on their behavior. To effectively change our habits for the better, we should learn to include the big picture in which they occur....
How To Do Squats

How To Do Squats

Squats are a beloved exercise because they are so effective at training the entire body. Indeed, they build strength, muscle, coordination, and boost your metabolism. However, there is something even more important to know about squats: They are a fundamental movement...
How A Diet Can Change Your Preferences

How A Diet Can Change Your Preferences

Have you ever stopped eating something long enough that when you went back to it, the flavor seemed more powerful? Many people report this after having been on a diet. You can use this premise to your advantage and make dieting a much more useful tool. Diets Are...