Is Evidence Based The Next Fad?

Is Evidence Based The Next Fad?

“From cold plunges to collagen to celery juice, the $1.8 trillion global consumer wellness market is no stranger to fads, which can sometimes surface with limited clinical research or credibility. Today, consumers are no longer simply trying out these wellness trends...
What Kierkegaard Can Tell Us About Social Media

What Kierkegaard Can Tell Us About Social Media

“For a crowd is the untruth.” – Søren Kierkegaard1 I’ve been spending more time engaging with philosophy and it reminds me that pretty much every question you can think of has already been tackled by someone. Most recently, I was struck by what Søren Kierkegaard...
Mortality And SMART Goals

Mortality And SMART Goals

I’ve been thinking much about existential counseling theory and personal training. What, you might ask, could those two things have to do with each other? Existential Psychotherapy Existential counseling theory concerns itself with four major themes: How we feel about...