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How To Do Squats
How To Do Squats

Squats are a beloved exercise because they are so effective at training the entire body. Indeed, they build strength, muscle, coordination, and boost your metabolism. However, there is something even more important to know about squats: They are a fundamental movement...

How A Diet Can Change Your Preferences
How A Diet Can Change Your Preferences

Have you ever stopped eating something long enough that when you went back to it, the flavor seemed more powerful? Many people report this after having been on a diet. You can use this premise to your advantage and make dieting a much more useful tool. Diets Are...

How To Hip Hinge
How To Hip Hinge

The hip hinge is the fundamental of hip movement. The goal is to flex the hip without bending the spine. In layman’s terms: bend over without rounding your back. The hip hinge is important in a host of common exercises including: deadlifts, squats, lunges,...

Coffee And Your Health
Coffee And Your Health

Coffee is one of those nutrition topics that has flip flopped many times over. Is coffee healthy or unhealthy and is there an amount that is too much? Here are the relevant points to keep in mind for your health. Is Coffee Bad For You? There is a significant amount of...

Pros And Cons Of A Vegan Diet
Pros And Cons Of A Vegan Diet

Vegan diets have become relatively common. You may have wondered at some point if it would be right for you. While it is easy to be all for or all against vegan diets, there are both pros and cons. Let's examine just a few of them. The Pros Of A Vegan Diet You Eat...

How Economic Growth Can Derail Your Fitness
How Economic Growth Can Derail Your Fitness

Fitness, the environment, and the economy are linked, and one of the ways is through the concept of growth. Growth conditions us to assume that life is usually improved by adding to it, and we follow that common wisdom automatically. Fitness illustrates why,...