How To Avoid Squat Injuries

by Jan 19, 2017Fitness0 comments

SquatsSquats are a common part of exercise routines these days, but alongside deadlifts they are also the most feared. Many worry that it may be bad for their knees or their back. The truth is squats are good for you, but they are difficult to do well, and that’s the key.

Squats Are Great – But Do Them Well

Squatting is not an inherently dangerous exercise, it is simply difficult to do correctly. It is not just your legs that are involved. Your shoulders, chest, hips, and ankles must all move well to perform this exercise correctly. If you have restrictions or weakness in these areas, as most people do, then there will be uneven stresses on your body that can ultimately lead to aches, pains, and injuries. The good news is, learning to do it well comes with huge benefits! It’s worth the investment to learn.

Squats And Your Knees

A particularly persistent myth is that squatting is bad for the knees, but this is not true. Squat related knee problems are usually the result of poor technique, most commonly not being able to get low enough or failing to maintain alignment. Squatting low with a stable upper body, the hips parallel to or below the knees, and the knees properly aligned with the feet balances the stresses across your joints, preventing pain and injuries.

Make Squats Your New Project

The bottom line is that technique is key. With good mechanics and a good understanding of how the movement works, you can get great benefits from doing it. If you are interested in having them in your program seek out some coaching. A good physical therapist, personal trainer, or strength coach should be able to assess your squat and help you correct any restrictions. They can also build an exercise routine that will help you get the maximum out of this movement.


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