How Water Really Affects Health And Environment

by Nov 1, 2016App, Environment, Nutrition0 comments

Water Effect Health EnvironmentAn easy way to reduce calories and sugar consumption in your diet is to drink only water. It also happens to be the only beverage that you can easily fill in your own bottle, which is a great way to lower your contribution of plastic waste in the environment.

Beverages Affect Your Health, So Stick With Water

Any drink like soda or juices that are not diet have calories and many have large doses of sugar, both of which can be a persistent roadblock to improved health. Diet beverages have low to no calories but they may still contribute to adverse health outcomes, a possibility that is currently the subject of growing research.1 We don’t have all the answers yet, but a simple way to avoid the risk is simply to opt for water most of the time.

One-Third To Two-Thirds Of Ocean Waste Are Single-Use Plastic Containers 

Switching to water will be great for your health, but it can also help the environment in an even bigger way. The EPA has identified food and beverage containers as one-third to two-thirds of plastic pollution in the ocean. 2 Water, unlike juice or soda, is the one beverage that you can easily fill into your own bottle and this can drastically reduce your plastic waste footprint.

 Plastic Waste At A Glance

Plastic Waste At A Glance

Highlight: Dopper Water Bottles

Dopper is a European company that is just beginning its expansion to the United States. Their mission is “to achieve a world in which people are conscious of the environment we live in, where the amount of single-use plastic is reduced and where everyone, near and far, has access to safe drinking water.” They are a certified B Corp, which means that part of their reason for existing is to invest in community and the planet. If you are in need of a refillable water bottle, check them out!


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  1. Artificial Sweeteners
  2. Sources of Aquatic Trash

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